Beginners' Guide Take Charge of Your Future: A Beginner's Guide to DIY Investing Explore various avenues and strategies for real estate investment, including alternative investments that provide passive income streams.
Beginners' Guide Essential Financial Planning Tips for Wealth Management This article delves into essential financial planning tips that are pivotal for effective wealth management, defining and highlighting the significance of accredited investors, alternative investments, and holistic wealth management strategies.
Alternative Investments Understanding Real Estate Fractional Investment with RealVantage The real estate market has long been a bastion for solid investment opportunities, but traditionally, it required significant capital, limiting access to a select few.
Alternative Investments Real Estate Crowdfunding Platforms: Unveiling the Surge in Popularity Real estate crowdfunding, a groundbreaking approach to raising capital for real estate ventures, is rapidly gaining traction.
Alternative Investments How Should Retail Property Owners Reposition Their Properties? The pandemic may almost be over, but the functions and perception of retail properties have changed forever. Here’s how retail property owners should shape up their assets.
Regional Focus Is Hong Kong’s Real Estate Market a Total Write-Off? Will 2023 see Hong Kong regain its shine as a thriving property market it once was? Read on for more insights.
Alternative Investments Is Real Estate Still Worth Your Investment Dollars? In these times of rising interest rates and market uncertainty, should real estate still have a seat in your investment portfolio?
Alternative Investments Alternative Real Estate Assets and Why They Would Catch Your Eye Niche investments in the real estate space offer unique investment potential and diversification benefits, and they should have a seat in the investment portfolio of every aspiring investor.
Global Market Trends How Avid Renters are Fuelling a Build-To-Rent Property Boom Build-to-rent gained traction in the last decade in some parts of the world, and it's poised for strong growth in the years to follow. Learn about the bright spots to watch for.
Alternative Investments Real Estate Assets to Watch Out For During High Inflation Not all real estate assets become investment darlings when the inflation alarm sets off. Find out why and which properties you should consider carefully as a smart property investor.
Alternative Investments Real Estate Investing in a Less Certain World The near-term global economic outlook may seem uncertain, but your real estate investment objectives shouldn’t be.
Global Market Trends ESG & Green Buildings: Should They Be an Investment Focus? With the hubbub about ESG investing and green buildings growing louder in recent years, many real estate investors now consider properties that adhere to ESG standards to be a preferred investment option. Find out what’s the investment case for these properties.
Featured Investments Atlanta Multifamily Opportunity Case Study With the latest divestment of our Embry Hills Multifamily Opportunity, we have delivered 10 investment exits in total to our investors – either at or higher than the projected returns.
Global Market Trends Are Digital Tokens the Best Way to Invest in Real Estate? ‘Tokenisation’ may be a buzzword in real estate investing. But is it a better way to invest in properties, yet?
Alternative Investments Why S-REITs May Not Be Your Best Retirement Income Generator If you have always believed that S-REITs are your best bet when it comes to real estate investing. Think again. Here’s an insight into how some REITs have been operating to the disadvantage of their unitholders, leading to share dilution and falling share prices, among others. Read more now.
Alternative Investments Property Investing Plus Technology Equals More Opportunities for Everyone Technology has made real estate investing more accessible to investors, but does that necessarily mean that it is now more inclusive? Find out how novice investors can also own physical real estate through what may be the epitome of the democratisation of real estate investing.
Global Market Trends Is the Ukrainian Crisis a Scourge of Real Estate Investors? While Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has negatively impacted investor sentiment in the financial markets, it may not be all bad news for real estate investments. Find out why.
Alternative Investments Why It’s a Good Idea to Co-invest in Properties to Beat Inflation Rising prices are a nemesis of the consumer and saver, as it weakens purchasing power. Find out why real estate may be a good hedge against inflation and how you could invest in these assets in a smart way to grow your nest egg.
Alternative Investments How to Build Your Real Estate Investment Portfolio Like a Pro Novice investors may find it daunting to take the first step to invest in real estate, especially when it involves overseas properties. Check out these guidelines to quickly get yourself on the right track and avoid some common pitfalls.
Global Market Trends What is the Deal with Last Mile Logistics? Is last mile logistics just a trending hyped up buzz-phrase that will fade over time or is this really going to be an enduring “thing” going forward?
Featured Investments Dalkeith Opportunity Case Study RealVantage successfully completed its Dalkeith Opportunity, with realised returns in line with initial projections, despite delays and other challenges brought on by the pandemic.
Alternative Investments Building a Real Estate Portfolio In this article, we share the importance of building a real estate portfolio to grow your capital, which may be achieved using a variety of different investment strategies.
Advanced Strategies Top 8 Sources of Real Estate Investment Risk In this article, we cover the various sources of risk in real estate investment deals, and how investors can manage risks in real estate.
Alternative Investments Selection of Real Estate Co-Investment Platforms (Best Practices & Risk Management) RealVantage outlines key points that investors need to carefully assess when selecting real estate co-investment platforms that can help them diversify and augment their investment strategies.
Regional Focus Investing in the U.K. Real Estate Market This article provides a comprehensive guide to property investment in the U.K., with tips for foreign investors looking to get into the U.K. real estate market.